
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Trouble Blog Revival

The Trouble Blog, like the boat itself, has been badly neglected in recent years as the skipper focuses on other, apparently more urgent areas of his chaotic life. There will now be an attempt to revive the blog, if not the chaotic life, for the benefit of Trouble's legion of fans and crew. If there is evidence of interest (eg comments, correspondence etc) then it will probably continue. I could always treat it as a diary of things Trouble, if only for my own use.

Keen observers (I know you are out there) will notice that the Picasa links to photos accompanying previous posts have been broken, as I moved the Picasa galleries around without realising the effect this would have on the blog.

I have always used the Trouble blog as the quickest way of accessing links to yacht club websites and BOM links that I regularly use. If other crew members want to use it this way I will include their suggested links.

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