
Monday, February 23, 2015

Long Race Series

Hmmm, everyone has sunk into a deep and abiding depression after Saturday, eh?  After the Skipper (Dave the Rave) revving us up (yeah, both of us) about keeping the blog alive, I thought that I'd have  an inbox full today.  Nuffing.  Well, after a deep breath, I looked at the results at BYC tonight.  Eleventh.  Fookin 'ell, I thought, that's the end of that.  But no, we are in 3rd, only 4 points away from Kaiulani.  All is not lost.  We just need one good race to finish off, and Kaiulani to sink or something.  And Footloose to become fancy free and bugger off out of it... So chin up fellas!! Doug


  1. Sailing is a cruel sport and we are sooks when we don't go well Doug! I agree though, what Kaiulani can do one day we can do on another. Cutlasses in mouths and over the rail I say!

    We are now 4 points arrears in both the long race series( with one race to go) and the harbour race series (with 2 race days and 4 races to come).
    I can see Trouble coming!
