
Monday, May 28, 2012

Bad start to winter series

 Terrible start to the winter races with a last in Race 1. Wildfire went beautifully for a well deserved outright win. Trouble started well, then went steadily downhill as the skipper made lots of bad calls in the shifting north westerly. Crew work, despite excessive alcohol consumption and lack of sleep the night before, was good. Skipper has been severely punished! Scrub booked for next week.
NB - The DSS had planned for us to race in Div1, but we objected. Results like this are why we sail in 9 metre and Div 2. Anyone can, and does, win over the line and on handicap.


  1. Sorry to hear that Dave, don't beat yourself up too much!!

    No doubt Team Wildfire's excellent performance was all down to me not being on board!

  2. Ha! I thought you were steering that race. Who was helming? Malcontent? He was shouting at me at one stage but I didn't have my hearing aid in.

    They sailed a perfect race!

  3. Hey John, so much for your theory! Or were you there today?
