
Sunday, March 15, 2015

3rd in Long Race Series

We started yesterdays final race four points behind Kaiulani and one point behind Footloose. With the forecast for strong winds we thought we could make up the deficit, and were looking good to do just that when we rounded the turning mark at Yellow Bluff, well in front of our rivals.

It all turned bad off South Arm when the breeze dropped out, and then started playing tricks. Our rivals, and the rest of the fleet sailed up to us, and we were unable to get away and put enough time into them when the breeze filled in shortly before the finish.

Second over the line, and second last on time. I hope the combined clubs sailing managers, in there pre-season review for next season, recognise that some of the outcomes in our division this year suggest that there are some boats that don't fit in our division.

Compared to the racing we had in 9 Metre division, which was always close with evenly matched boats, the new Group 2 for long races is a bit of a dogs breakfast. Well done to Footloose which is always sailed flat out and well, and deserves its consistently good results. Some others I don't know about as we are never close enough to see them.