
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bottom finished

Trouble's bottom is finished and looking fabulous. Now for a new annode, new non-slip, polish the topsides and a play with the nice girl I found hanging around the slipyard!

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ready for antifouling

And this tie coat, ready for antifouling. Have been trying to source a decent white hard racing antifoul, but the only good one (Pettit via Taspaints, as used on the Farr 40s) is not available at the moment. International white antifoulings go green around the waterline and look pretty daggy, so might have to stay with dark blue. Pity!
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This is Altex Tie Coat (grey) going on over 3 coats of Altex primer (gold colour).
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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bottom Blitz

You've seen the Backyard Blitz.  Today we had a Bottom Blitz. In a little over four hours the full Trouble crew scraped and sanded her back to bare hull below the water line, ready for new primer, tie-coat and antifoul. We sought some advice re the flaking patches on her bottom, and decided to go the whole hog and redo the lot.

The regulars at the BYC were amazed that a) the whole crew were there working; and b) that we kept going till it was done.  Well done and many thanks to Tom, Jules, Rohan, Sunny, Gaz and Mike!  What a team - no wonder we win a few races!

Monday, February 8, 2010

2010 Bruny Island Race

We were going great guns in the Bruny Race until we got to The Friars, where Rousabout (and incidentally, Asylum!) caught up with us. We had a very slow trip from the Iron Pot to home - it took us about three and a half hours instead of two to cover that distance.

Nice sailing though, except for the last bit, and a few other soft patches along the way!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

More twilight photos

More of Georgia's photos of the January 2010 twilights are here.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

20/01/10 Twilight Race

Georgia came with us on the twilight race last night and grabbed some photos with the waterproof camera.  I have posted some on the Picasa site here

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Andy Wilson's Photos

I have posted some of Andy Wilson's great photos of Trouble in the BYC twilight on the Picasa website. She was loving it!

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